August 25, 2010

my INTERVIEW EXPERIENCES after mba - Over Confidence(1/15) me, thanks to our obsessions, forget about the touch we need to maintain with the ground while we start flying toward the sky, leading to certain undesirable events...
Even if you are prepared to the extreme for an interview, this lost touch, can actually kill all your dreams, can shatter your image, cause embarrassment. You feel like your insufficiency is made public. Nowhere to hide, cause you are The Public.

Now what actually in laymen terms, this Lost Touch is....??

YES! You guessed it Right, Over-Confidence.. [i know you read the title :-p]

Unlike banana, Overconfidence comes in many flavors [oh.don't confuse urself with banana, just another bad example ;) ]

You are overconfident, when you actually start ignoring the odds, you are covered in the certitude. You start behaving in such a manner, that you see self image in everybody's eyes. You feel (imagine) things, things you would like to happen to you. Call it Attention, u feel everybody is looking at you, discussing about you, Fear You. Fear, You know, or to explain this in the right words would be, that, you want to see fear in your competitions' eyes. Fear of you getting selected. You become more than happy..! You imagine how things will shape up during the interview. In simpler words, you are not you, you are the one who has designed the interview questions & handed it over to the interviewer....just like that ;) sort of u just think that how good the interview will go...!! 

Damn....the next thing that come is overconfidence getting you knocked out...!!
How this happened...??    well the reason is quite become limited by your imagination, you are unable to think beyond your winning streak that you just prepared outside..This situation lead to a mental state characterized by a lack of clear and orderly thought and behavior. you tend to answer the unpredicted questions in a very unusual way, with unusual prodigious explanations.....!!

Clearly, (irrespective of the their beliefs, experiences, or gender) the interviewer will say to you to leave for the day & to wait for the phone call....which factually never comes....!!

 "...before you attempt to beat the odds, be sure you could survive the odds beating you..."
Another reason for over-confident behavior can be your luck, or being in a truly uncompetitive environment (say you are one of the best in your batch, in a way or other). These two reasons are connected to some extent. For example, after being (luckily) selected in your first interview, one start undermining his/her competition's capabilities, leading to rise in confidence level, while on the other hand your competition just had an awesome experience of a rejection, helping him/her to know her weak points & target points. And in the next interview you are same (may not be so lucky), while your competition is more worried, but prepared, might have already considered his/her other negatives, and has prepared a well thought pitch/script to counter. God knows how their worried, tensed faces, painted with Looser(YOU IMAGINE THAT part), are going to ruin your day...No Need to Guess What role Overconfidence will play during off-campus placements...! You are not the Best There dear :)

Conclusion is that, for any interview an overconfident candidate will take into account only their planning, generally ignoring external factors. Hence, unable to foresee future developments. Leading to a greater Risk of Failure

But the Story doesn't end here. What if I say, overconfidence sometimes leads to a greater good ?
The answer is YES! 

To Know More and How to Tackle/Utilize The Negative Powers of Over-Confidence
Read This Small Part of a Short Story :   Oh..Crap ...!!

Tip: Many a Times Overconfidence works....!! IF not then gives you a good lesson of a lifetime :)
Read Previous Issue :  my INTERVIEW EXPERIENCES after mba - PILOT (0/15)


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